Tuesday, October 11, 2022
- Usajobs pathway program tv guidestone
Usajobs pathway program tv guidestone
As of this moment Japan has flooded with seawater—that is, completely destroyed for future use—2—or is it 3—reactors. And probably one hundred thousand souls have been snuffed out. Those reactors were built in the s and were nearing the end of their 40 year design-life anyway. Even if they were brand new, their loss would be the least of the tragedy there. Probably one hundred thousand snuffed out, as you say.
He says America and perhaps Canada are slated to break up into different Nations. You can live in Aztlan with your hubby. By that point, Whites will finally have learned. Pretty weird eh, APG? My vision of a hell on earth would be someplace that self-impressed pricks like venereal kondition and his butt-buddies had ultimate kontrol. And I am sure that by stockpiling guns in amounts that made the ATF nervous David Koresh thought he was keeping his kids safe….
The American government is hyper violent… they consistently overreact and over reach…. White and Proud, yo. White and Proud. You be talkin like Micheal Steele Bibble shinnible homie!!! Well yes, the Israelis had money to convert the desert and the Palestinians did not.
Same thing in New Orleans. Those with money or insurance rebuilt and those without did not. So if you measure the quality of people by money, you will fit in well with racist economists. Comrade is a gender neutral term of respect and solidarity with another person who shares your beliefs and activities. I am not your comrade, nor are you mine. Kindly refrain from addressing me as comrade anymore. We are soooo disappointed. YOU…sit there and want me to leave in one hand.. That brings up other questions.
If the reactors were brand-new, would Japan have done differently to try to salvage them? What the heck do you do with the pieces of a decommissioned reactor?
Are there reactors that have already been through this process? Not disagreeing with your point of view, just sayin. Shwhatever, Dude. Because your line of thinking is not getting you anywhere. The breadth and depth of their coverage is unsurpassed. Is it not available on U. Since we at least have the option of subscribing to it on our cable unlike most of the U. I am considering adding it to my channel selection…..
As one of the most highly civilized nations on Earth, we should have much to learn from them. Nice weeks work, JHK. I admire the way you manage, every week, to find at least one or two things that could lead to environmental disaster, or economic disaster, or societal disaster — or some combination or permutation of a subset of other disasters. You certainly have not been lacking for topics for the past few weeks, have you!
Apparently the Germans decided to seal their nuclear waste in solid impervious casks decades ago. What bureaucrat, politician, or engineer could have EVER signed off on this as a good idea? There are up to of these cooling ponds in the US — just waiting for the electrical grid to fail and the supply of diesel for the back up generators to go missing.
I still have to coexist with all those people and their Judeochristian Faith. I have to do politics with them and work with them. If push ever comes to shove — I will rely on them, and they on me. Why unfortunate? Faith is something that must be mightily maintained. Daily, weekly, forever. Consider the atheist in the foxhole next to you. In his world, things happen for concrete reasons.
Thus, when shit hits the fan, a normal depression ensues. Causality is not thrown into question. When shit hits the god-believer, a META-normal depression ensues.
Faith is shaken, world-view is shaken, and frankly, depending on the mental infrastructure involved, may or may not be able to climb out of this hole. After all, if God exists, angels, devils, the whole crew of beings causing things to happen could certainly exist. JHK frequently bangs on about how we seem unable to comprehend reality or deal with it. Fantastical thinking, ignorance of causation, delusion, etc. There is a spectrum to this: two people stand side by side in a congregation, and talk about faith and spirit.
For the other, it is a total proscription of perceptional reality. Each speak in terms the other understands, but because of the subjective nature of the subject, they inherently mean different things. It really is impossible to know which way the cookie crumbles when the religious mind is stressed. Religious people are as crazy and unpredictably treacherous as any inmate of the asylum. Reviewing the vile comments spewn out over Youtube of late on the Japanese Tsunami I find, over and over again, this concept that God punishes people through the workings of natural disasters.
This is an entirely reasonable conclusion if god-belief is the premise. It is infectious across the belief spectrum. I pick up a New Age screed from the health food store. In it they claim that Cancer sufferers need to buck up and think positive.
A new-age twist. Same reasoning, different fantastical premise. People everywhere are inflicted with a disgust and abhorrence of sickness, illness, misfortune, bad luck, and so on. Expect supernatural doses of suspicion when you reach out to your religious allies in dire times. Either way, who cares? The furor over sex offenders is the latest unwelcome eruption of Puritanism.
The first sex offender registries were started in response to a few high-profile, one-off murders of young girls by ex-cons. These cases were certainly tragic for the girls and their families, but the response was hysterical because the girls were white, photogenic and from sheltered suburban neighborhoods. The result in some states has been that a tool explicitly designed to prevent recidivism by murderous pedophiles is now ensnaring people who urinated in public and horny teens who privately sent nude pictures of themselves to their peers.
The people leading us on these social wedge issues are really sick puppies. I, for one, will give thanks if the creep Chris Hansen ever walks into one of his own stings.
Bastards like him need to lose credibility so that the rest of us are less liable to malicious prosecution for victimless crimes. There has not been one single! I have read a 3 page report on CNN where every single paragraph contained an error. Why are you so ashamed? This person hates Whites even though she is White, but you criticize me and not her. What is wrong with you? Wow, Bustin — you type with great rapidity. I post at and you have your massive missive posted for me at Methinks, you were perhaps waiting for my moniker to appear, for you to post something you had prepared ahead of time related to last weeks brawl — Atheism vs Religion.
No matter — just take it as a compliment, guy. Let the record show that I am not posting about religion or race as of yet this week. If no one is around to plug in their i-pod…. You want to run to a white country with a muslim minority that wants to destroy it and replace it with what they fled from. Nothing more confused than a white liberal with issues of racial hatred of themself. A lot of the officers shadowed are openly contemptuous of due process and basic procedure, and some of them are openly violent.
One problem is that many agencies do not enforce basic standards of conduct for their officers. They give the paramilitary culture of police agencies a bad name by using it as a license for criminal rampages.
They ignore the positive aspects of paramilitary culture: the discipline, accountability, uniform standards, and so forth. The former makes sure that successful recruits are disciplined, competent and generally mature. Nevermind the correlation between the past years of persistent economic growth and the coincidental appearance of abundant, high energy dense supplies of crude oil, natural gas and coal.
I suppose it does bear repeating though. Very, very sad situation in Japan. They are going make it through it. New and improved. I remember listening to your podcasts in Tokyo. They were pretty doomer, but I got the humor. When I returned to the States, I saw how backwards we are for the first time. It looked the same as at least 15 years behind in other words, a generation, maybe much, much more. I loved riding a bike or walking as most do in Tokyo. They really are far, far ahead of us as far as trains, architecture and urban design.
I miss it a lot and plan to be an ex-pat there again soon. My heart is there with you Japan. I hope to make a home there again. Peace and love to everyone touched by these recent events. I am damn close to Canada… my attempt to move there found me just four points short of the required number for entery…. But Vermont works just fine for now… if I make a fortune I will be off to Europe..
Scott, Nice summation of the illusory vs. The backlash is a bitch, however. You have added nothing new to this site in months. You are wasting your time trying to convince any independent thinker of your views.
Try a blog in which people are ruled more by emotion rather than intellect. You are the weakest link! If you have the date and time, let me know. Posted March 13th AM. Hope you like the note. It was meant as a compliment that you are keeping me honest.
Can we please get along in here folks? The name calling, arguing, and total disrespect for others is very disparaging. Because they can? I like to think they know better themselves but they probably believe their own BS. Wonder if she likes granite countertops and stainless steel appliances? The perfect site for you: minutemanproject. They become nuclear waste. A number of plants in the US have been decommissioned and there will be more to follow as our aging reactor fleet is taken out of service.
The current trend is to re-license 40 year old reactors for an additional 20 years. Vlad, You have a screw loose. Yeah Swedes, yeah Cubans, yeah whatever. This shapes your whole way of looking at the world. What a bunch of politically correct crap.
Snowflake is a prime example. Nothing more confused than a white liberal with issues of racial hatred of them-self.
Ever think of that? After all, it only makes sense. If I were to change one thing in the Twain quote above it would be to put quotes around the word rightful. Twould be smaller, for sure, and under a thick soil mantle, relying on annualized thermal inertia, orientation to prevailing winds and sun patterns, and a vegetated cooling wind tunnel, to maintain a decent temperature inside.
Me, or my children, or their children, someone. All the more reason to diversify our food production methods — mushrooms, perennial veggies, wildcraft, milk, a range of livestock. Just thinking out loud. Just think about how it sounds to a newcomer to the CFN thread. Then read it again. Very funny. As well as sad but true. Then we drove it, thank God, back the other way to the north Georgia mountains on Sunday. You are correct that there are lots of large, expensive billboards south of Macon that have an abandoned look.
Then just south of Tifton there is a series of — new, large, and expensive looking — billboard road signs advertising survival gear and food.
There was no physical address that I could see at 70 mph, just a web address — survivalfood. I though about you and your place while driving back north. If you are, try to look nondescript. And be ready to armor up — with little warning, if need be. Your website looks great, BTW. Keep up the good work. Now, this is weird. I just wrote a nice little post back to Tripp.
Weird — am I a CFN nonperson, now? I was sent to the blog bardo last week. Second installment to Tripp, continued: There was no physical address that I could see at 70 mph, just a web address — survivalfood. Yeah, I get quarantined for the most random things.
The only safe haven is Siberia!!! I am fairly close to US41, and only a few blocks farther to I guess our position is to openly teach self-reliance, slowly build a tribe, and keep the 12 guage shells at the ready.
Understand about your location, Tripp. As long as you are not right out on a major corridor and exposed — you should be fine. I really feel for those folks who have houses visible from I I had a uncle who lived out on US in south Georgia. He was pretty scary looking, too — and with a yard full of meanass dogs to boot.
Nobody ever sneaked up on him, either. Once you could not see the house from the road — people stopped finding him. Just weird. I get the feeling that JHK probably gets some ideas from this discussion thread, and he may follow it when he has time. Which, btw, is one well conceived appellation — for this comment thread.
CF on you all! I have the funds but am unsure as to the management of some charities. Who can I trust. So, at first I said: CF on you all! Or, better: CF on — you all!! Trivial grammar and punctuation criticism does have a purpose, perhaps? Anyway, enjoy your clustering and fscking. Whatever happened to Mika, btw? Death and destruction and you talk of IPods, and whatever, kardshians? It is a VERY small world! We all have to pull together! Straight up accounting, state-of-the-art sequestration methodologies, change in organic matter reporting, absolute transparency, cradle-to-grave.
You guys know me. I was going to offer it first to my travelling relatives as a carbon offset alternative, but you guys are getting it hot off the presses. May not have an impact on the ring of fire, but as a model, it could have a measurable impact on climate-related natural disasters in my expected years of managing the sink.
Time for bed. Good book. Hey ksmias. Especially you Q! JHK is on the money, again! Oil will NOT go down. Japan will need more oil than usual sooner rather than later, and even though a couple of refineries are out of action they will go to extremes to supply the diesel needed to not just clean up the mess but to supply extra electricity to the grid.
I worked for a French construction company at the time Citra Engineering and had the task of hooking up ten of these deisel-sucking monsters to the grid. Electricity prices soared but the economy chugged along until further coal-fired capacity was added and we discontinued using the deisel generatotrs. Japan will do the same thing and will likely hook up a bunch of portable gas generators as well, the industrial show must go on. This is very worrying for me and my family as my inlaws are in Tokyo and Osaka, I hold grave fears and my wife, who has many friends also in the tsunami-effected area, is very upset she just came in to tell me that the number four Daiyon reactor has just caught fire, the one that was offline when the quake and tsunami hit, which means the inner container is ruptured.
My worry for some time now has been what happens to nuclear power plants when they are abandoned at the end-collapse-stage of modern industrial society.
The happy devolution to a medieval social structure after the fall will be impossible if the entire country is covered in contaminated land and water. Hey Tripp, It sounds good. I will go with it, but me thinks the IRS will try to get their hooks in it. I think it would be cool if we could get a network of CO2 sinks up and running around the country.
So why do they keep beating that broken drum? All it does is coddle a tiny percentage of the population that promotes that kind of thing and more importantly, alienate a large segment of the population that therefore ignores every other message in that media.
The one where the father of the alleged author was sued by the ghostwriter he hired in federal court and who lost? That diary? The PM has warned people to stay inside. BTW the radiation has reached Tokyo. See Zero Hedge. Kyodo essentially confirms there was a reactor meltdown as radiation levels at Fukushima 3 are now times legal levels. The BOJ has just intervened to prevent the yen from surging, as the following chart shows.
Our prayers are with the people of Japan. Hey Leibowitz type people, long time no talk. This is logic11 from Wayofthepreserver. Similar goals, and similar points of view on the collapse. I see it as being what JMG talks about, a catabolic collapse. Each disaster strains the whole system a bit more, and each time we adjust to what has become the new normal.
After a bit it would look like the world had collapsed to someone from a couple of decades earlier and I think we are there, I think people from the eighties and nineties who predicted this world were labeled as paranoid whack jobs.
My elderly mother-in-law has relatives in Tokyo. She spoke to them on the phone and they said that shops in Tokyo were running short on food because of stockpiling. Canada has a point system, you need 72 points to get in You get 72 points if you are a member of an officially recognised persecuted group fleeing your homeland… like anyone who escapes North Korea and makes it to Canada… or someone from Dar fur….
Other than that you get points for graduating high school, college, post graduate work…. Bush should have been turned away at the border based on their criteria…. I guess Stephen Harper made an exception for his neocon buddy. Feel free to do it more often. And now, the sorrows of Job.
The Japanese people must take advantage of this tsunami as means of washing away their selfish greed. I really do think this is divine punishment. Try separating your post into two parts… that sometimes works for me. You are taking it personally… which means you are definitely a person.
There does appear to be some controversy about the precise origin. I base my identity on what I do and not on what I believe. It matters little to me who actually said the quote first. A quote worth remembering has a timeless quality and life beyond the mortal lump of flesh and bones that gave it birth. Having Niemoller as the author does make a lot more sense. But that, like the relative frequency of internet citations, is not absolute proof. Since the Internet is full of misinformation, I often go to the library reference section and look at a real reference book when there is a doubt about who said something:.
I was silent. I was not a Jew. Then they came for the Communists. I was not a Communist. Then they came for the trade unionists. I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for me. There was no one left to speak for me. On resistance to Nazis, recalled on his death 6 Mar We are in uncharted territory here. He gets my vote. Apparently the quote had a life before it had an author. There was also dispute about the exact wording of the original. Niemoller was said to have made it for the first time in in a sermon.
I heard it attributed to Dietrich Bonhoeffer in or around I wonder if there was a letter by Bonhoeffer that Niemoller read before he delivered his sermon. Letters and notes were used extensively for communication back then and we are talking about a very tight knit group of men.
I suspect neither of these men would care who the credit goes to. What will win? Is the Tsunami enough? I do not think so, they will deny the evidence, against any law of smartness. Nobody likes to help a proud, self sufficient liar. Nevertheless I whatch TV and I can just see desperate people, humans like me who in a few minutes lost all what they had, including dear ones. My heart is with them, because I strongly believe that behind any facade of greed or selfishness or proudness, there is a frighthened human beeing, who asks himself: is it worth to be a survivor?
Great work again, JHK! My thanks to the racial reality posters. The Department of Justice has just decided that since too many minorities are still failing the exams, the city of Dayton must revise its grading system.
Yes Vlad, I too would like to see that Strong Man. Gonna put on some black face and jug ears, do a numba, man! Gotta go viral! Why would you leave Vermont, SEmpire? Except for the rather harsh climate it seems like a pretty cool place, tolerant and open to any new Ideas that might come down the pike.
They even had their own flag made up. I had alot of fun with that whole thing on my frequent visits up there, in a good natured way of course. Your posts on the modern applications of LE are spot on. They border on science fiction but they are also effective social commentary. For Christ sake lighten up. And our society which glamorizes these thugs has given them permission to bring down their version of justice on anybody they so choose.
If you are ever unfortunate enough to be on the receiving end of these skin-heads with a badge you will understand perfectly. Many cops are looking for any reason possible to knock the crap out of you.
Submit or you will be tazered or beaten to a pulp with a black jack. I checked out their web site, yes, they are still active, a relic from by-gone cold war days. From what they say on their site, and what others write about them, they would probably admit me but kick me out after a short time, probably even before my probationary period ended. Life is too chaotic and dynamic, the world too complex, for conspirators to effect events either large or small.
Added to that if two people conspire for some nefarious deed, after a day or two, one of them, maybe both, will talk and spill the beans. End of conspiracy. Many time they were just f—kups who would get into trouble again a few months later. Coming to Canada is no bed of roses. For one thing we have a lot of Canadian born unemployed with established Canadian employment histories, Canadian educational and professional and trade credentials. An employer would look at them before he would look at an immigrant who may not speak good English, may have foreign credentials that are difficult to verify.
Typically an immigrant will work in low paying temp contracts at first that are below his level of experience and education. An example: I used to know an immigrant from India that came to Canada in just at the start of a brutal recession.
The guy was an eastern European educated engineer. Finally in he got a decent paying job as an engineer at a large downtown hotel and convention centre complex and was able to bring his family over. In contrast America is now Obama, and what is that you ask? A third world Marxist from Kenya, he liked to dress up in leopard skins and wear beads. He died in a car wreck while drunk in Kenya. His mom was also a confirmed Marxist whose main goal in life was to bed down with men from the 3rd world.
Quite a heritage for the President of the United States. And I buy a lot of Biographies. A kid I heard of was sent to Europe for a college graduation present. While there, he got drunk and mooned the Acropolis. And was arrested by the Greek police. I think that things have gone too far. But I think that about a lot of things! Armies have used mercenaries throughout history. KuhDaffy is using mercenaries.
Why should the US be any different? Cops is something like the charlie sheen show and some show where a guy stuffs himself with obscene amounts of food that I only see at work, when someone else has the TV on. Why is police abuse and public humiliation i.
Jerry Springer presented as entertainment? My co-worker pointed out that the last time things were this bad the Colosseum was full of Romans cheering as the lions ate the Christians. You sound as if you want to be left alone and live in peace which is absolutely fine. In Ontario a few years back we were near to instituting Sharia family law for Muslims.
There was a shitstorm of protest from Muslim women here and others who knew full well what Sharia law meant for Muslim women and girls. In the end our Premier saw the politics correctly and canned the idea and not only Sharia law but any religiously based family tribunals. One system of law for everyone in other words. But the Sharia law issue will for sure re-surface as more and more Muslims pour into Canada from around the world.
For now Muslims are a minority but demographics are ever changing. Religious and cultural separatism is an idea that will not go away. A lot of people from India are coming here also Hindus whose record of peaceful co-existence with Muslims in India and Pakistan is not that great.
So does a caste system have any place in Canada? To bring up the issue is not a question of being racist. You probably noticed that India is a nuclear armed power and so is Pakistan and they are usually at daggers drawn. So will Muslims and Hindus be able to peacefully co-exist here in Canada? Or are we going to be faced with a lot of sectarian violence?
The Mafia is a Sicilian thing but there is worse than the Mafia from mainland Italy. There is also another gang of cut-throats called the Sacra Corona Sacred Crown. These are not the colourful people people you see in Hollywood movies. So, they want to surrender, and Azov starts shooting at them. And they [Ukrainian forces and Azov] are at war with each other. That hardly seems coincidental. The process of promoting a mutually beneficial reality is especially important when reviewing any current statements from Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
There is no sunlight between the agenda of Zelenskyy and the agenda of the U. State department. There are times when the U. It is all part of the carefully crafted propaganda campaign for domestic consumption. The hero begs for help, the media claim the U. Public pressure builds, and then the U. Wash — Rinse — Repeat. They can force anyone to do anything, because of the strength of their values. No one is allowed to disagree with American wars. If people try to disagree with democracy wars, we will threaten and destroy them.
You can say whatever you want about the concept of international law, but it is the basis upon which nations form relationships with each other. When a country demonstrates that they are willing to completely dump any pretense of abiding by international law, ostensibly in the name of a moral panic, no one is going to trust that country.
Biden is the perfect vessel for such risks. The central question for Americans from the start of the war in Ukraine was what role, if any, should the U. A necessarily related question: if the U. Prior to the U. The only acceptable modes of expression in U. One of the Truths of our lives is that none of us are in control of anything. As the Prophet Jeremiah observed, we cannot and do not control a single step. This is the Truth, but we promptly endeavor to forget it, and go our sinful silly way, pretending to make contracts right and left.
Not only that, but at some level of our consciousness, it is a known lie. At best, we can make a good faith statement of our intentions or we can make a record of our actual actions. Steve Sailer picked up on this theme March 10th, wondering whether wartime disruptions will start off another flood of mass migration from the poor Third World South to the prosperous First World North. Will they? Demography, yes. The really Dismal Science is demography.
The image provides a visual reference to consider our previous discussions about the cleaving of the global economy between two overarching ideologies. In my estimation this intentional global cleaving, using the opportunity created by the Ukraine crisis, is going to be the major story of this year.
This global splitting can be looked at in multiple ways, but the overarching story is the ramifications of two global trade relationships.
We must end it. One of the reasons is that it has become patently obvious to me the green energy movement is not what it seems to many others. Those on the left have assumed it is a necessary crusade to fight global warming.
I was in the latter camp but now I see things differently. No, I have not switched sides, so to speak. What I have come to recognize is that the green energy movement is little more than a Potemkin village for what is a wholesale grab for power, money and complete control by elites who have forged an alliance between; a those in business willing to throw capitalism to the wind in favor of corporatism guaranteeing favors far exceeding any possible real profits and b the state itself, which has also brought academia and non-government organizations NGOs such as foundations into the mix.
I used to think it was a simple scam that enabled governments to raise taxes and levies on prosperous Western societies; but it is now a much bigger, and more complicated, matter. As March dragged into April and May, stuck in their homes, people began to do their own research. Expressing this belief cost me many relationships. It is the yardstick in our current 3D world.
It tells what things are worth, how much can be invested, what is worthwhile and what is not. Money — especially the interest it earns — tells when to expand or contract. It tells when to work harder or to slow down. It tells which direction to follow. For at least a hundred years, the existing financial money system has been manipulated to the hilt to keep it alive, while bringing the world to its knees through financial engineering that should have long been alarming to any well-educated expert.
But the majority of experts have been masterfully kept in the dark about the hidden agenda, despite the alarm bells ringing at every turn. A careful analysis reveals that the entire monetary system is — consciously or unconsciously — self-destructive. The over-printing of debt money has reached its final stage of self-destruction, as debt has grown rampant around the world.
As a result, the credit money system has gone into reverse mode. Because, of the perpetual debt spiral. The equating of debt money with trust money results in the obligation to pay off the created perpetual public debt, which is the essence of debt money.
In other words, perpetual debt is the obligation that in essence defines debt money and enslaves the people. Empire It is a pathetic spectacle. European governments are prostrated before the American empire.
President Joe Biden flew to Europe this week with the presidential nuclear codes on display by his entourage. Wildlife Services maintains the slaughter is necessary to protect agricultural output, threatened species and human health. Last year, , native animals were killed by the agency, a compendium of snuffed out life that included gray wolves, 64, coyotes, black bears, mountain lions, bobcats, 3, foxes and 24, beavers, the Guardian reported.
This is the highest-level visit by a Chinese official to India in two years after the outbreak of the border conflict. It is generally noticed that the visit took place against the backdrop of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Some believe a subtle turning point has emerged in the bilateral relationship. They even speculate it may lead to an ice-breaking period.
The president made the pop-culture reference while addressing a campaign rally in the eastern Serbian city of Pozarevac. Serbia has faced mounting pressure from its neighbors since Russia launched its offensive in Ukraine last month. I promise to stop spreading misinformation if you can just publicly answer just these questions with truthful and accurate answers.
Richard Pan. I agree. In my view, you are the ones spreading it, not me. Unfortunately, not everyone sees it the same way. The problem I have is simple: the data clearly shows that it is the CDC and other government agencies that are spreading misinformation, not me.
It seems not to have occurred to the decision-makers that the instant removal of fundamental civil liberties required — and must always require — the most comprehensive ethical justification. A federal panel in Canada discussed the possibility of using digital IDs to track vaccination status. The panel also discussed making Canada a global leader in digital identification. The director of the Institute of Oncology and Radiology of Serbia explained that chemical plants and various dangerous industries were bombed, which, as she says, created an ecological catastrophe and poisoned Europe.
According to Grujicic, the use of NATO bombs with depleted uranium and the destruction of environmentally dangerous facilities during air strikes have led to Serbia being now the leader in the number of cancer deaths in Europe, with almost Until today the western governments have denied this allegation. Elvira Nabiullina is a riddle, wrapped in a frozen asset, inside of a western bank.
But at least Putin likes her? Year after year, Elvira Nabiullina patiently stacked gold bars and delicious foreign currency so that one day the Bank of Russia could do something really cool, like buy everyone an iPhone.
Something like that. How could this happen? And does this mean Nabiullina is a member of the dreaded 9th Column? And why did Putin nominate her for another term? So many questions. If the State Duma signs off on her reappointment, Nabiullina will remain head of the Bank of Russia until We need to be Irish. We need to socialise. We need to be ourselves. Yellen is ensconced in the worldview of those who run the operations of central banking and global finance.
She is the globalist secretary of world treasuries and has been throughout her professional life. Yellen emphasizes the Biden administration position about how the conflict in Ukraine and the sanctions against Russia are an example of why the global energy resources need to fundamentally change to renewable resources. Same goes for the EU. Despite promises from Zhou to try to get natural gas to Europe to replace Russian gas, the EU came to its senses and put down the gun it was holding to its head.
And now that Green has been revealed to be equally impractical? Without a united front of Europe and America it appears to me that Globalism fails—which drastic consequences all the way around. So if one told this same group that the United States ought to support Israel, the Jewish State, and recognize her as such, he would be as equally uncontroversial.
Why is it then that when I raise my voice in support of nationalism and self-determination for the peoples of Europe, I am met with skepticism, if not downright contempt? Why is it that when I praise the nationalist parties of Europe many of whom are actually Zionistic , I am questioned with unease?
Which means that, despite all the narrative window dressing and spin, this war is just more US regime change interventionism. Saddam Hussein was not a nice person, and he did bad things. The same is happening here. Our civilization has an illness.
And the US empire is the malignant tumor. Pete Chambers gave an informed consent briefing to 3, soldiers. After that briefing, just 6 soldiers wanted to be vaccinated. Chambers was subsequently relieved of his duties. I want you all to watch this video starting at for just 30 seconds. Just do it.
This was my reaction: I nearly fell off my chair when I heard that. Army surgeon Dr. In Kunduz, Afghanistan, regular Taliban military displays and military parades show, for example, US-made M armored personnel carriers and other weapons that the Taliban have inherited from the US and have not yet been sold to Pakistan or other countries.
Of course, the US military and intelligence agencies will work to assess what ended up in Taliban hands, as US decision-makers have already indicated their desire for more information on the weapons seized, but this will take time.
Dissenting voices are rising in Europe as western sanctions against Russia start backfiring with price hikes and shortages of fuel and electricity. And this is only the beginning, as Moscow is yet to announce any retaliatory measures as such.
The guidance ordered DHS officials to prioritize deportations of immigrants who pose a threat to national safety. Montana has staked its claim in federal immigration issues as a state that suffers from drug addiction propelled by Mexican drug cartels. According to recent reports, the Saudi government is willing to trade oil in Chinese Yuan. The measure would be a major blow against the American financial power, which has the Petrodollar as its base of monetary security.
This trend was true with all local news sources the Guardian surveyed. You paid for it. I paid for it. When she observed the data from the trials being handled improperly, she recommended they stop enrolling people in the trials.
But her employer did not agree, so she reported them to the FDA. She thought that the FDA would take action to correct this fraud, but instead, her employer fired her shortly after she contacted the FDA.
Brook Jackson learned the hard way that the FDA does not protect the public, but the pharmaceutical industry. Not only did the FDA not respond to her reporting, they did not even bother to investigate the site where the alleged infractions occurred. So she took her story to the British Medical Journal BMJ , who ended up publishing it because she backed up everything she was reporting with solid facts and information.
But when the article in the BMJ was shared on Facebook, the Facebook fact checkers marked it as fake news. This is a common tactic that the FDA has done historically, by controlling the media to cover up the crimes of Big Pharma. The illusion of evidence based medicine, an op-ed published in the BMJ on March 16, , points out that the system is now corrupt and needs major surgery to fix it. What is stunning is the relative silence from the medical community in supporting the suggested reforms.
Just 5 comments on the op-ed after 9 days. All supportive of the op-ed. Not a single comment on the op-ed from anyone in the US. The BMJ does censor comments. Have a look at the comments below, especially the comment from Mathew Crawford. Arab prisoners were subjected to inhumane treatment at the Khiam Prison run by Israel in Southern Lebanon, which operated for fifteen years until the occupation state withdrew from its northern neighbour in The Israeli paper reported the gruesome details at length.
Today, President Biden visited U. He suggested their fight, if he chooses to send them, would be one of good vs. Are democracies going to prevail and the values we share? Or are autocracies going to? A collaborative international team of researchers identified the stem rust resistance gene from the wild goat grass species Aegilops sharonensis.
The research team led by the John Innes Centre, The Sainsbury Laboratory, and the University of Minnesota used bioinformatic advances to develop the first accurate genome map of Aegilops sharonensis.
My bet is on that happening in the West since it is psychologically and culturally far weaker. Davos is intentionally, through Biden, Blinken and NATO, trying to destroy the world economy so no one needs Russian energy while killing off millions more useless eaters.
When we do that, and in doing so reflect on the strength of our arguments, then, we can not only solve the current problem, but possibly, achieve something much bigger, namely, use one of the deepest crises of humanity to turn around the direction of human history, and so, open the door to a new and better era.
The past two days have seen sorties from scientists desperate to shore up the lockdown version of history. Lockdowns were necessary, and anyone who disagrees does not care about society or equality. This version of history is so fraudulent that it cannot be allowed to triumph. Another stunning victory for the Ukrainian military! In the first study of its kind, researchers in the Netherlands identified the presence of microplastic particles in human blood.
Microplastics are small plastic pieces less than five millimeters long. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, they come from a variety of sources, including from larger plastic debris that degrades into smaller and smaller pieces. Microbeads, a type of microplastic, are very tiny pieces of manufactured polyethylene plastic found in health and beauty products, such as some cleansers and toothpaste. According to the study, the blood samples analyzed by researchers contained four high-production-volume polymers: polyethylene terephthalate PET , polyethylene PE and polymers of styrene, and poly methyl methacrylate PMMA.
Earlier today Joe Biden landed in Rzeszow, Poland, to get a firsthand look at international efforts to help some of the millions of Ukrainian refugees fleeing war in their country. During his remarks, Joe Biden stated the troops are going to see heroic acts by the ordinary men and women of Ukraine. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin. No one attempted to stop Biden from publicly saying we were sending troops into Ukraine.
A pistol in every hand… and every target has toes. The whole sanctions program is backfiring… driving Russians, Chinese, Iranians and Indians closer together… hastening the decline of the dollar-dominated international money system… raising prices for US consumers…slowing US economic growth… and leaving the oligarchs with more real wealth than they started with. Whose boneheaded idea was it to get involved in this Russo-Ukrainian squabble anyway? That is our subject for today — where do these boneheaded ideas come from?
There seems to be a worse case of illness going around in America that is even worse than the fake plague we know as Covid 19 and all its feared variants! That condition is known as cognitive dissonance.
The failure to determine truth from the facts set before one due to the refusal to acknowledge the data. Ukraine is apparently the first country outside of China to incorporate all the World Economic Forum Great Reset madness into digital form.
Everything seems suspiciously planned these days. Especially since they bludgeoned all conspiracy theories in broad daylight the past few years. Loose lips sink empires. Three-quarters of the equipment, including the key transfer lines and automatics, came from the United States. It is truly extraordinary that a plant with known military potential could have been equipped from the United States in the middle of the Vietnamese War, a war in which the North Vietnamese received 80 percent of their supplies from the Soviet Union.
They are also asking the FDA to approve their vaccine for children between the ages of 6 and Using government official statistics, children in this age group have almost a zero percent chance of dying from COVID, as we have previously shown in numerous articles. And yet, the U. This begs the question then as to why the FDA would even consider a COVID shot for this age group I think we all know the answer to that question , and why parents would take the risk of injuring or killing their child with one of these experimental shots?
Here are a few tragic stories that have been posted to Telegram within the past few days of parents who sacrificed their children to the vaccine gods and now have either a dead child that they have to bury, or one disabled for the rest of their life. We could be witnessing the sabotaging of the U. Armed Forces. This did not need to happen, and it does not need to continue. I am a private person who intended to remain under the radar for my entire life. This moment is that important.
Find your way of participating in holding criminals accountable, and in making greater peace and prosperity out of the future. Otherwise, the America that we have going forward is the America that the criminals want to sculpt it to be and it has been more that way for longer than most Americans are willing to admit just yet.
The list of legal participants can be found here. She was arrested at her home early yesterday, Tuesday, March 22, Her precise whereabouts are still unknown. At this time, the facts of the case are not known. It is a deadly disease and there is no known cure. The virus can be passed during sexual intercourse with an infected person. Anyone can get it, man or woman. So far it has been confined to small groups. But it definitely put a dampener on it. You still did the deed, when you could find a willing partner.
But you worried about it afterwards especially if, like me, you had hypochondriacal tendencies. Clearly there was a serious risk: there had to be! Every word of that campaign was either a lie, an exaggeration or a misdirection. Yet ignorance was exactly what it was promoting.
How do I know this? Well, it has been a long, long journey. There is, however, a major drawback: the psychological techniques used by these ubiquitous influencers raise profound ethical concerns. And — troublingly — the powers that be seem extremely reluctant to discuss them, resorting to a combination of avoidance, disingenuousness and even a failure to attend a government committee to answer questions. Alcohol Related Deaths Skyrocketed From to You can find the information many places on the Internet.
All peace-loving people in the world hope that this bloody conflict, which could have been avoided, could end soon. Instead, they are still intensifying contradictions and escalating confrontation, creating obstacles for negotiations between Russia and Ukraine. According to media reports, Biden will work with European allies to coordinate next-stage military assistance to Ukraine and will announce a new round of sanctions against Russia.
On the one-month mark of the conflict, Biden carried out his intensive diplomatic offensive in Europe, yet nothing on his agenda is not about adding fuel to the fire. As for sanctions against Russia, we do not support them.
The sides do not support unilateral sanctions; we recognise only restrictions that could be imposed by the UN Security Council. We really need to conserve that precious resource.
That has to be a record! I was explaining to a group of nations that the Federal Reserve Note is not an American Dollar, despite pretensions and confusions otherwise.
An American Dollar is made of silver and is the non-speculative currency underlying the world economy as the reserve currency. The Federal Reserve Note is a private military scrip issued by the British Territorial United States and is a domestic currency that should never be used as an international currency at all. All international currencies are backed by silver or gold, but that is not what backs Federal Reserve Notes.
The Federal Reserve Note is backed by the labor of slaves and peons. It is blood money, and both slavery and peonage have been outlawed worldwide since Bloomberg reports that Joe Biden is set to announce a plan that will see the United States accept as many as , Ukrainian refugees. What could possibly go wrong? Last month, however, the question was finally answered.
The sturdy and tough Canadian Maple tree fell in plain sight. The fall barely making a sound. Democracy ended overnight — with little to no fuss, and some encouragement from neighbours and friends. Barely a week later, his party, with the support of the New Democratic Party, ganged-up to pass the measure by votes to The Canadian government granted itself powers it did not have before.
I would argue this just exacerbated the situation started by global lockdowns. Whatever the cause and whenever it started, in response to it, the IEA have proposed a 10 point plan to reduce oil demand with immediate impact. Furthermore, and predictably enough, they want these actions to remain in the longer term, to put oil demand on a more sustainable path. But the effect of it is to abolish any meaning to womanhood—at least in public discourse.
Do you know the thing about slippery slopes? This all started with feminism, the movement to deny that women were different from men or, at least, that the differences are meaningful.
The rest is history. And leave behind blood, ruins, political and economic devastation. It is incredible that neither the mainstream media nor the public are discussing this injustice in any depth, let alone being up in arms about it. Most have likely yet to comprehend how ruinous a policy this will prove for so many people. For a citizen of England to have to pay to visit a sick, dying, or lonely relative in a care home or hospital — even if both are triple-jabbed and whilst unvaccinated health workers may come and go — is an inhumane policy.
Keep in mind, any digital currency can only work if there is a digital identity attributed to it — what some have called a digital passport which then creates a crypto wallet. I have based the framework, of what appears to be over the horizon, on a set of inevitable geopolitical outcomes if the current path is continued. In one of the tweets, she claimed that Patreon did not respond to her question on why she was suspended.
BlackRock and the ever-mysterious Vanguard are the largest financial institutions in the world, with investment assets under management that far exceed the GDP of every country. They are, quite frankly, the vault behind the World Economic Forum, and combined they hold sway in almost everything that happens in the geopolitical world. As we look at the speed of our increasingly changing world, it is important to remember two key phrases CTH often repeats.
Russia has announced that it will soon require payment for its natural gas and, presumably, all other exports in Rubles. This is of course quite reasonable, since the resource depleted is theirs, and thus payment should be in their currency. I smelled this coming when the sanctions were announced. The first lessons in economics all deal with supply and demand, and how that impacts price. It demands that Israel should stop such activity and fulfil its obligations as an occupying power under the Fourth Geneva Convention.
There are a few shockers. Here we go: Who is in charge of destroying borders and separate nations? One group has been virtually forgotten. Its influence is enormous. It has existed since These disorders are voted upon by the leaders in the field of psychiatry.
MP Mislav Kolakusic lived in Croatia under soviet rule. Kolakusic saw the recent behavior of Trudeau as familiar to him from former soviet dictators. He took the opportunity of Trudeau appearing in the European Parliament to eviscerate him publicly. Below are a few screenshots I took from an excel file that has much of the DMED data that was downloaded and saved by a few truly heroic military doctors who are working with attorney Thomas Renz.
Thomas Renz website Firstly, Daniel Horowitz — who has been at the forefront of the DMED data and ensuing scandalous coverup by the military — went through in detail today on his podcast much of the data, with a lot of inside, still-unpublished data. Because the vaccines are both Safe and Effective!
During COVID Mania, our power drunk ruling class went on an unprecedented spending spree, printing untold trillions of dollars, manifesting our current reality that is skyrocketing inflation. So it might be time for another monetary diversion.
Polish news outlet Onet reports that President of Poland Andrzej Duda is waiting on a green light from the White House to implement the proposal. Of course, the official reason for sending the troops and the real reason could very well be somewhat different in nature.
As the head of state noted, the sanctions bombast of the collective West eliminated confidence in the currencies of the European Union and the United States. Against this background, it no longer makes any sense for Moscow to conduct operations in dollars and euros, the Russian leader says.
Now, in order to pay for energy resources, unfriendly countries will have to actively purchase roubles, which can positively affect the dynamics of the national currency and the state of the Russian banking sector.
At the same time, Russia will continue to supply gas according to contract as it values its business reputation, Putin stressed. And fighting in the culture wars means that you have to specifically and methodically name the people who are actually dragging America and much of the West into a political sinkhole. They themselves behave as if their success were a guilty secret, and they panic, and resort to accusations, as soon as the subject is raised.
Survival in public life requires that you know all about it, but never refer to it. One was a child killed. The unit, which according to the group arrived in a white Volkswagen van, encircled the home of year-old Ammar Arafat while Israeli military forces entered the camp. The unit detained Arafat and withdrew to the nearby Huwwara checkpoint. Israeli forces fired live ammunition at Palestinians. Supreme Court, including a telling exchange in which the judge professed ignorance on one of the most fundamental questions of constitutional jurisprudence.
John Kennedy of Louisiana. When does equal protection of the laws attach to a human being? Currently, they are fighting for the capture of Novomikhailovka. During the night, 3 tanks, 2 infantry fighting vehicles and 6 all-terrain vehicles were destroyed in this area. On the evening of March 22, high-precision long-range sea-based weapons struck an arms depot in Orzhev, 14 kilometers northwest of Rovno city.
As a result of the strike, a large depot of weapons and military equipment of the Ukrainian troops, including those received from Western countries, was destroyed.
They are unaware of the root causes of the war, as well as the events that led the Kremlin to unleash it. No matter, the banditry is losing and the great powers are preparing for peace. Military operations continue in Ukraine with two radically different narratives depending on whether one listens to the Western or Russian media. These two versions diverge not only in describing the war, but more importantly in describing the goals of the war. In the West, the public is convinced that the Russian army has enormous logistical problems and cannot fuel its tanks.
Its planes strike indiscriminately at military and civilian targets, indiscriminately destroying entire cities. Dictator Putin will not be done until he crushes Kiev and kills elected President Zelensky.
In his eyes, Ukraine is guilty of having chosen democracy in instead of reconstituting the Soviet Union. Until then, he sows death and desolation on a civilian population, while his soldiers are killed on a large scale.
On the contrary, in Russia, it is believed that the fighting is limited to specific areas, the Donbass, the coast of the Sea of Azov and military targets everywhere else. Certainly, there have been some casualties, but not a massacre. We wait until they are all neutralized so that peace can return. Ross Ashcroft is joined by economist Michael Hudson to discuss trade, sanctions, dollar hegemony, and the emergence of a multipolar world.
He took two medical timeouts during the final. The first one came after he lost the first set. Nadal went inside with a trainer after tapping his upper left chest. He got treatment on court after falling behind in the second set. Heatwaves are bizarre at any time in Antarctica, but particularly now at the equinox as Antarctica is about to descend into winter darkness.
Likewise, up north, the Arctic is just emerging from winter. Are these two heatwaves linked? But we do know weather systems in Antarctica and the Arctic are connected to regions nearest to them, and these connections sometimes reach all the way to the tropics.
The job posting is only open for a month —so they need them now. The cases involve claims of injury as a result of the receipt of vaccines covered by the Act.
The position offers a unique experience in public service and involves trial practice. The legal and medical issues at stake in each case vary. Trial attorneys independently manage heavy caseloads, and while streamlined procedures are utilized, many cases involve complex scientific issues of causation that require employment of experts in medical fields such as pediatrics, neurology, immunology and epidemiology.
In cases in which petitioners are found entitled to compensation, the litigation often requires retention and management of experts to develop an appropriate life care plan for the injured party — to include medical treatment, remedial care, rehabilitation, calculation of lost earnings, actuarial projections and structured settlements.
Attorneys appear frequently before the Office of Special Masters in the U. Court of Federal Claims, and also appear before the judges of the Court, as well as in the U.
Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit when handling appeals. Responsibilities include factual and legal research, medical record review, brief writing, and working with expert witnesses to develop the defense of claims, as well as to address the life care needs of vaccine-injured petitioners. As the majority of cases are resolved through settlement, attorneys also engage regularly in settlement negotiations, including alternative dispute resolution, and drafting settlement memoranda and related documents.
Due to a recent increase in cases filed under the Vaccine Act, the office is expanding to address the additional workload. Now why would you need a top secret clearance to do vaccine injury settlements?
My guess: the Biden regime will try to hide the roles of Dr. Fauci and Dr. He presented the first piece of my DMED analysis. Today he posted a press release that includes my affidavit suggesting the high likelihood that the DMED data was doctored by somebody at the DoD. Others said 9, people in one coastal town were unaccounted for and that at least bodies had washed ashore elsewhere.
The government said people were missing and 1, injured. Atsushi Ito, an official in Miyagi prefecture, among the worst-hit states, could not confirm the figures, noting that with so little access to the area, thousands of people in scores of towns could not yet be reached. Plumes of black smoke rose from burning industrial plants.
Stranded ships bobbed in the water. Town after town reported that parts of their population were unaccounted for. Survivors gathered on rooftops, frantically shouting or signaling for help. With phone service cut throughout the area, some radio and television stations broadcast pleas from people trying desperately to find their family members or at least to assure them that they were alive.
Saturday night, amid fears that they were swept away by the tsunami. There were reports of as many as 3, buildings destroyed and fires raging. Meanwhile, several ships from the U. Navy joined the rapidly-expanding rescue effort. Besides serving as a hospital, it can also be used as a platform for refueling helicopters from the Japanese Self Defense Forces working more closely to shore.
Convoys of Japanese military helicopters could be seen flying over the earthquake zone Saturday, and trucks filled with soldiers were moving heavy equipment into the area. While aftershocks from the earthquake continued, the tsunami wreaked the most damage. One-third of Kesennuma, a city of 74,, was reported submerged, the BBC reported, and.
Iwate, a coastal city of 23, people, was reported nearly destroyed, the BBC said. Local television here reported that the authorities had found to bodies in the town of Rikuzentakata, in Iwate prefecture.
In Minamisoma, in Fukushima prefecture, 97 residents of a retirement home were found dead. Military units were in Sendai on Saturday, working at evacuation shelters or helping search-andrescue teams. Dutch Colonial style, 5 bedroom, 3. Features include eco-friendly upgrades, chef kitchen, ample parking, generous storage and much more to mention. MLS: Huge Mountain views on 1. Great rental or 1st time home. Other features include office, dining room and bunk room.
DRW sq. Pentagon lawyers during the Bush administration prepared a death penalty prosecution of al-Nashiri that alleged he was a co-conspirator. His case is sure to stir controversy. Defense Secretary Robert Gates or his successor gets to decide how to carry out a military commissions execution under the latest Manual for Military Commissions, said Army Lt. But the manual does not spell out a method or venue. Pentagon lawyers refused to say whether Gates had begun the process of soliciting suggested methods — lethal injection versus firing squad, for example.
Nor would Defense officials say whether the military had already selected an execution site on the remote, square-mile Navy base.
One issue, they said, was whether the war court that Obama disparaged as a senator then reformed as president would follow the federal model of lethal injection. Presidential Medal of Freedom for his steadfast advocacy of peaceful opposition to the communist system.
It was the deadliest attack inside a settlement in years. In Gaza, a Hamas official applauded the attack. An anti-Gadhafi rebel fires a rocket-propelled grenade at pro-government warplanes Saturday at a desert road near Ras Lanuf in eastern Libya. Moammar Gadhafi that they stand as the only bulwark against forces of chaos and religious militancy.
The protests upending the Arab world have ranged from the climactic success of protesters in Tunisia and Egypt, to the brutal crackdowns in Syria, whose government forced just a handful of demonstrators to sign pledges never to protest again, and to the uneasy standoff in Bahrain between Shiite protesters and a Sunni royal family. Libya has begun to emerge as its own model — the darker side of the forces unleashed this year by the immolation of a young man in the Tunisian hinterland.
Everyone seems to have a gun these days, in a lawlessness tempered only by revolutionary ebullience. Young men at the front parade with the swagger that a rocket-propelled grenade launcher grants but hint privately that they will try to emigrate if they fail. Anti-American sentiments build, as rebels complain of Western inaction. But especially for the rebels, there is an amateurishness to the fighting that began as a protest and became an armed uprising.
Gadhafi was swiftly advancing Saturday on the poorly equipped and loosely organized rebels who have seized much of the country. His forces pushed the front line miles deeper into rebel territory and violence erupted at the front door of the opposition stronghold in eastern Libya, where an AlJazeera cameraman slain in an ambush became the first journalist killed in the nearly monthlong conflict.
In Cairo, in a stark rebuke to one of its members, the Arab League asked the U. Security Council to impose a no-fly zone to protect the rebels, increasing pressure on the U. The Associated Press contributed to this report. Gates did not offer any details of the evidence he cited. To the consternation of the largely Shiite protesters, Washington has continued to back the government of the royal family, whose members are Sunni.
In another predominantly Shiite country to the north, Azerbaijan, police arrested 50 protesters Saturday, the second day of demonstrations in Baku, the capital. Several hundred protesters gathered for a rally organized by an opposition party, Musavat, which intended to ride the wave of revolts in the Middle East and North Africa, calling for the resignation of President Ilham Aliyev, whose family has been ruling the oil-rich state since the collapse of the Soviet Union.
At least three were killed in the capital, and a 14year-old boy was killed in the south, witnesses said. The numbers had dwindled to about 10, by Saturday morning, when the police moved in with water cannons to try to demolish tents set up by protesters outside Sanaa University. Then the shooting started. By , that expansion is expected to add 16 million to Medicaid, which now provides health coverage for about 60 million low-income Americans.
Childless adults and parents who previously earned too much to qualify for the program will make up the bulk of the new enrollees. Currently, the federal government pays about 57 percent of Medicaid costs on average, while states pay the rest. Under the new law, the federal government will pay the entire cost of the new enrollees for the first three years, after which it will scale down gradually to 90 percent in and thereafter.
A report released recently by. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, and Rep. Fred Upton, R-Mich. It also failed to account for savings that the Medicaid expansion is likely to produce, such as a reduction in state payments for medical care for the uninsured.
Republicans defended the report, saying the estimates were conservative and the methodology sound. The death toll, estimated to ultimately top 1,, likely will not set any records, though. Other events Equivalent to the degree of explosive energy released by an earthquake on this scale. Helens eruption Major earthquake, large loss of life, severe economic impact Loma Prieta, Calif. In the future, scientists said, it will provide an unusually precise view of how Earth is deformed during massive earthquakes at sites where one plate is sliding under another, including the U.
Pacific Northwest. Geological Survey, at a Saturday news conference at Caltech in Pasadena. She said the aftershocks were continuing at a rapid pace and decreasing in frequency although not in magnitude, all of which is to be expected. Researchers have a laundry list of items they hope to gather data on. California Institute of Technology geophysicist Mark Simons said that knowing how much the land had shifted during the quake and its aftershocks would help scientists understand future hazards in the region and allow them to plan accordingly.
The earthquake. Continued from A1 The central problem in assessing the degree of danger is that the amounts of various radioactive releases into the environment are now unknown, as are the winds and other atmospheric factors that determine how radioactivity will disperse around the stricken plants.
Still, the properties of the materials and their typical interactions with the human body give some indication of the threat. In Vienna on Saturday, the International Atomic Energy Agency said Japanese authorities had informed it that iodine pills would be distributed to residents around the Fukushima Daiichi and Daini plants in northeast Japan.
Both have experienced multiple failures in the wake of the huge earthquake and tsunami that struck Friday. In the types of reactors involved, water is used to cool the reactor core and produce steam to turn the turbines that make electricity. Normal plant operations produce both of them in the cooling water, and they are even released routinely in small amounts into the environment, usually through tall chimneys.
This radioactive form of nitrogen does not occur in nature. The danger of nitrogen is an issue only for plant workers and operators because its halflife is only seven seconds. A half-life is the time it takes half the atoms of a radioactive substance to disintegrate. The other form of radioactive materials often in the cooling water of a nuclear reactor is tritium.
It is a naturally occurring radioactive form of hydrogen, sometimes known as heavy hydrogen. It is found in trace amounts in groundwater throughout the world. Tritium emits a weak form of radiation. It accumulates in the cooling water of nuclear reactors and is often vented in small amounts to the environment. Its half-life is 12 years. The big worries on the reported radiation releases in Japan center on radioactive material in Japan center on radioactive iodine and cesium.
The active core of a nuclear reactor splits atoms in two to produce bursts of energy and, as a byproduct, large masses of highly radioactive particles. The many safety mechanisms of a nuclear plant focus mainly on keeping these so-called fission products out of the environment.
Iodine has a half-life of eight days and is quite dangerous to human health. If absorbed through contaminated food, especially milk and milk products, it will accumulate in the thyroid and cause cancer. Located near the base of the neck, the thyroid is a large endocrine gland that produces hormones that help control growth and metabolism. The thyroid danger, von Hippel of Princeton said, is gravest in children. Fortunately, an easy form of protection is potassium iodide, a simple compound typically added to table salt to prevent goiter and a form of mental retardation caused by a dietary lack of iodine.
If ingested promptly after a nuclear accident, potassium iodide, in concentrated form, can help reduce the dose of radiation to the thyroid and thus the risk of cancer. In the United States, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission recommends that people living within a mile emergency plan-. Over the long term, the big threat to human health is cesium, which has a half-life of 30 years. It is cesium that still contaminates much land in Ukraine around the Chernobyl reactor.
In , the plant suffered what is considered the worst nuclear power plant accident in history. Cesium mixes easily with water and is chemically similar to potassium. It thus mimics how potassium gets metabolized in the body and can enter through many foods, including milk.
After entering, cesium gets widely distributed, its concentrations said to be higher in muscle tissues and lower in bones. The radiation from cesium can throw cellular machinery out of order, including the chromosomes, leading to an increased risk of cancer.
The Environmental Protection Agency says that everyone in the United States is exposed to very small amounts of cesium in soil and water because of atmospheric fallout from the nuclear detonations of the Cold War. The agency says that very high exposures can result in serious burns and even death, but that such cases are extremely rare. With the Senate relatively narrowly divided at in favor of the Democrats — and with lawmakers and the Obama administration exploring major initiatives like changes to Medicare, a tax law overhaul and a broad budget deal that could contain spending cuts — the willingness of a handful of senators to take what would typically be politically precarious votes could tip the balance.
And this group of retirees is notable for its clout. Some of those leaving said they did not necessarily see themselves as empowered to take newly contentious policy positions just because they are retiring — though some votes will no doubt be cast with a little less anxiety about having to explain. Second, the district attorney can request the attorney general to conduct the investigation. Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schrunk said he prefers to look to outside prosecutors if there is any dispute about the facts of a case where a conflict of interest might be alleged.
Weaver, who spent 15 years as a prosecutor, including nine as an assistant U. Oregon Attorney General John Kroger led the investigation and ultimately declined to file charges. It gives me much more time, and that is huge around here. In the case of Lieberman, Bingaman and. Conrad, energy independence is a shared goal, as is improved fiscal stability.
Retirements are a regular part of the Senate cycle, but eight is a significant number. The record, according to the Senate Historical Office, is 13; it was set in as eight Democrats and five Republicans left after the tumult of the Republican takeover in Turnover has also been pronounced in recent years given retirements, deaths and the departure of four senators with the election of President Barack Obama,.
While announcing that one is relinquishing power can make a politician a lame duck, it is not necessarily debilitating in the Senate. In fact, some senators have had their most productive times in their final days. Chris Dodd, D-Conn. In the clubby Senate, colleagues are often willing to help a sena-. As he readies himself for some policy fights, Lieberman said he had already seen ads run against colleagues for daring to talk about changes to programs like Social Security and Medicare.
He was happy; he was doing good. Investigators swarm the scene of a bus crash in the Bronx on Saturday. Authorities said the early-morning accident was the worst lost of life in New York City since the crash of an American Airlines jet in Queens on Nov. N B 14 dead in New York casino bus accident NEW YORK — A tour bus returning from a casino at daybreak Saturday scraped along a guard rail, tipped on its side and slammed into a pole that sheared it nearly end to end, leaving a jumble of bodies and twisted metal along Interstate Fourteen passengers were killed.
The bus had just reached the outskirts of New York City on a journey from the Mohegan Sun casino in Connecticut when the crash happened. The driver told police he lost control trying to avoid a swerving tractor-trailer. The crash happened at a. As many as 20 passengers were treated at area hospitals. He and the others said they also planned to shift their energies toward recall efforts already under way against eight GOP colleagues. Some of the Democrats also are facing recall efforts.
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WOW, results like that could give someone a brain freeze! See how we rated our local eateries and what others think in this interactive feature, easily searchable by area and cuisine, at www. Easily searchable by date, city or keyword. Jon Weber said the family expects to hold a memorial service in Bend in about two weeks.
Scott Walker signed the measure into law. Protests have rocked the Capitol almost every day since Walker unveiled his proposal.
The 14 Democratic state senators who fled Wisconsin last month to try to derail the. The location, pictured Saturday evening, where the Klamath River meets the Pacific Ocean looking south down the California coastline. On Friday, Dustin Weber had gone down to the mouth of the river to watch the waves. In a speech Saturday in Asadabad, in Kunar province, the Afghan president told relatives and neighbors of civilian victims that he sympathized with their plight.
If this war is against terror then this war is not here; terror is not here. NATO refrained from any direct response. In the other incident, Afghan officials maintained that 65 civilians were killed, but NATO officials insist the victims were insurgents, although an investigation is under way. The president had meant that such operations leading to civilian deaths should be stopped, Omer said. A Yurok tribal member through his mother, Laurie Davis, Weber had been busy fixing up the house in recent weeks, his father said, visiting with his grandmother, who lives nearby, and making new friends in the area.
A graduate of Mountain View High School, Weber had some run-ins with the law in the past, his father said, but had learned from his mistakes and was excited to be making a fresh start in a new town. A friend grabbed at his shirt as the water knocked him down and began dragging him out but was unable to pull him to safety.
Jon Weber said he was not surprised that his son would disregard tsunami warnings and be at the beach watching as the waves came in. They went to school together. Damage Continued from A1 Nobody here knows if and when the money will come. Nor do they know what will happen in the interim. The Woods had their crab pots out in the ocean waters when the sea lurched. We have nothing here. LEFT: Gov. Many sport and commercial fishermen are in a state of limbo along this section of the Southern Oregon coast, especially those who received the brunt of the damage.
According to local authorities, at least two boats are at the bottom of the harbor and six were dragged out to sea. Many others were battered around the port, suffering significant structural and cosmetic damage.
A local resident was trying to restore it before the tsunami pulled it down into the frigid waters. In Crescent City, Calif. On Saturday, authorities were still assessing the damage and had yet to install temporary docks. This meant fishermen had to travel south to Eureka to moor their vessels. Losing 2 harbors For both Crescent City and Brookings, the loss of their harbors is a crippling one.
While Dungeness crab is the cash crop for both harbors, fishermen also catch tuna and shrimp, and, for the first time in years, would have been able to go out and get salmon. For the most part, the commercial ocean season had been closed for the past several years because of declining fish populations.
Bill Wood, who has the calloused, rugged hands of a man who makes his living at sea, said. Commercial fishing in the area has long struggled, and a handful of fishermen attended a press conference with Gov. John Kitzhaber and U. Jeff Merkley, corralling aides at the conclusion to plead for federal help for the fishing industry. They watched crews working to clean up the spilled gasoline and oil that painted the harbors with a rainbow-colored sheen.
Oregon Gov. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore. In Crescent City, U. Barbara Boxer spent their morning with local officials. After getting updates on the damage, all of them promised the same thing: They would do their best to find the money to fix the harbors and restore the fishing industries.
How long to clean up? No one knows for sure how long it will take to repair what has been broken. In the meantime, the people whose lives are centered here continue to salvage what they can. This port is what drives this area. As DeLong appraised the vessel, which had a crack that was filling the hull with water, he looked at the dozens of people around him and said they were doing what they had to to move forward. WesCom News Service contributed to this report.
A sightseer looks over a sailboat aground Saturday morning in Crescent City, Calif. State officials there were still trying to gauge the damage caused by the tsunami, an aquatic echo of the much more ruinous 8. Waves also heavily damaged the Santa Cruz, Calif. Contact your public officials Find an easily searchable list of contact information for federal, state, county and city officials at www.
We have an answer! Animal officer relates disturbing hoarding case, see Page B3. John Kitzhaber, her longtime companion — can be a hindrance as well. Seven homeless veterans in Central Oregon found housing this month through a program that has drawn criticism for lengthy delays.
Meanwhile, vouchers cover all housing costs, including utilities, for veterans without income. However, some costs, such as security deposits, are not covered by vouchers, says LaPoint. Correctional Institution in Madras. Botkin represents city and county In Salem: Botkin is working on workers from the area, including union negotiations and attended Deschutes County employees and an Employment Relations Board Deer Ridge staff.
She also has meeting. Botkin said. Passed on Tuesday. Senate Bill 30 exempts from normal rules cemeteries that install grave liners to prevent the ground from caving in as the casket deteriorates over time. But for cemeteries that use grave liners, that requirement is dropped to 9 percent.
Passed on Wednesday. Jason Conger, R Yes Rep. John Huffman, R Mike McLane, R Gene Whisnant, R.. On the blog Read updates throughout the week from our reporters in Salem at www. The show will run from 10 a.
Admission is free for children 5 and younger. Washington Week The U. Congress spent the week dueling over a budget and a ticking clock. Earlier this month, Congress adopted a stopgap budget to keep the federal government running. Instead, the Senate rejected a budget offered by Republicans as well as another by Democrats — even as the federal government is slated to run out of operating funds next Friday. Talks are reportedly under way to adopt another stopgap budget. Both sides continue to work on a longer-term solution that would extend to Sept.
Local schools directory For Web links to local schools, preschool through college, visit www. The mysterious smell emanating from an old landfill just west of Southwest Century Drive should be gone for now. Deschutes County filled in sinkholes identified as the culprit. Several employees of businesses near the demolition landfill, as well as people driving along the road, had noticed an odd, hard-to-identify odor that popped up occasionally.
County and Oregon Department of Environmental Quality officials went out about two weeks ago to investigate the dump, an acre site that was used for wood waste from lumber mills and, later, construction waste.
They found that it was the source of the odor, said Joe Gingerich, an environmental engineer with DEQ. Some areas are warmer than others, or decompose faster than other sections. When they do, open vents can form, allowing gases to escape and spreading strange smells. Hayes Continued from B1 Hayes was not a suspect, and the probe led to no charges. But last fall she said she would stop contracting with the state. But the scrutiny has not stopped, with online critics questioning whether the job carries new risks of influence-peddling.
Some say the scrutiny is a sign of the times. In , she founded a nonprofit in Bend to teach sustainable living. Ted Kulongoski. Three years ago, she converted the nonprofit into a for-profit company that won contracts with the state for green energy consulting.
DOJ investigation In August, that relationship came under scrutiny as the state Department of Justice began looking into a contract with the state Department of Energy. Articles in The Oregonian detailed allegations of special treatment, as well as later allegations that the DOJ employed questionable tactics. A decision is expected soon on potential disciplinary action for the state employees involved.
Last fall, Hayes began talking to a Eugene-based nonprofit called Rural Development Initiatives, which the state formed 20 years ago to help create jobs in outlying counties.
RDI officials had already been interested in becoming more involved in green energy, Hayes said. She encouraged them to make that vision a West Coast effort and introduced RDI to another nonprofit — the Center for State Innovation, a Wisconsinbased group that works on economic, labor and environmental issues, to help on the project. Roughly four months ago, the RDI board told Hayes it was interested in hiring her, she said.
To meet that mark, she is spending 70 percent of her time on fundraising and administrative work, with the rest spent on policy initiatives. Hayes, for her part, stresses that her fundraising will primarily be done from foundations, and potentially the federal government. Neither were paid by the nonprofits they promoted. Matt Shinderman, an Oregon State University-Cascades Campus natural resources professor, worked with Hayes on one of her earlier nonprofits.
Officials are banned from personally making decisions that create a direct financial benefit to their relatives, said Ron Bersin, executive director of the Oregon Government Ethics Commission.
But the commission has not been asked whether there might be any implications for Hayes and Kitzhaber, he said. The Governor is very happy for Cylvia to be able to get back to her work on energy and sustainability issues. Her professional experience and expertise will be a real asset to RDI and the Northwest. Sign up to receive notification of these and other great money saving offers in The Bulletin.
E-mail your name and address to emailnotifications bendbulletin. Chris Telfer, R-Dist. Gene Whisnant, R-Dist. Jason Conger, R-Dist. Mike McLane, R-Dist. John Huffman, R-Dist. Doug Whitsett, R-Dist. Ted Ferrioli, R-Dist. This would happen if HB were to pass. Woodstock Blvd. Reservations required by March Contact Jean Uzelac at or Mary Cooke at Contact Robert G. McAnally at or yujack megalink. Contact Dennis Stokhaug at or maddox64 aol.
Contact or rhsclassreunion gmail. Contact Carol Still at or carolstill14 yahoo. He is a graduate of Bend High School. Counterfeit honey seized in Salem More than 10, gallons of counterfeit honey was seized from a warehouse in Salem, according to the U.
The counterfeit honey, which was discovered to be compound malt sweetener, was imported from Hong Kong and falsely labeled as honey from Thailand. A firm called Eastern Commodity Co. The seizure was part of an ongoing joint investigation conducted by the U. Man stabbed at area transient camp Police are looking for suspects in a stabbing that occurred Friday evening at a Bend-area transient camp.
A year-old man who had been at the camp north of Deschutes River Woods and east of the railroad tracks told deputies two men in a white pickup truck had parked alongside U. Highway 97 and walked into the camp, where one of the men stabbed him in the arm with a knife. The two men then ran back to the truck and left the area. The victim was treated at the scene and later taken to St. Charles Bend. The Oregon State Police and Bend Police officers joined deputies in an extensive search of the area, but were unable to locate the suspect vehicle.
Jim and Katrina Atkins had no warning about Brandon. The afternoon of Jan. Both families have insurance but are still coping with medical and travel bills. Chemotherapy is working so far, shrinking the tumor to the point where Mason has been able to get back to his first-grade class at Liberty Elementary School. His family is hoping in the next few weeks it will be small enough for surgery. Brandon had emergency surgery at Doernbecher on Jan.
The condition, arteriovenus malformation, known as AVM, causes vessels to grow too close together. He will also have periodic checkups. The MacRosties still travel to Doernbecher while they wait for. There are days left in the year. In , hundreds of people died when the San Francisquito Valley in California was inundated with water after the St. Francis Dam burst just before midnight the evening of March In , a gunman burst into.
Actor William H. Macy is Actress Deborah Raffin is Rock musician Adam Clayton U2 is Actress Annabeth Gish is Actress Tracy Wells is Rapper-actor Common is Actor Danny Masterson is On or off the rim please separate. Department of Solid Waste www.
We stayed 20 days in the hospital. When Brandon was diagnosed, team members added his name to the fundraiser T-shirts and donation requests.
Both families said they have been amazed and grateful for the help. Stumbo Grants Pass Daily Courier. The Josephine County Animal Protection and Regulation supervisor said he sees enough depressing things in real life. Nothing, however, prepared him for what he found in a shack made of pallets and plywood planks at a home in Selma.
Pushed back my odor Tally arrived at the scene on Tuesday and was pushed outside by the powerful smell of feces, urine and decomposition. Animal feces, 3 feet deep in some areas, carpeted the room that served as living quarters for Frain and her adult daughter. Pictures of Jesus and Elvis hung on the walls. It was like a horror movie.
It was pretty intense. Twelve cats were found in cages that were wired shut. Nineteen dogs were scattered throughout the residence — some behind a tall plank that was nailed to the wall.
An Illinois Valley Fire District crew had to cuts holes in the walls to give Tally and two Animal Protection officers access to the animals. Never walked. Other, living dogs were found wedged in crates that were far too small for the animals. Crippled and blind Tally said some were kept confined and in the dark so long that they are blind and unable to walk.
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