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3 Free Tools to Bring Back the Classic Start Menu in Windows 7, 8 and 10 • .

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Classic start menu windows 10 free. 3 Free Tools to Bring Back the Classic Start Menu in Windows 7, 8 and 10


Here we show you three free tools that can bring back a classic style Start menu for operating systems that no longer include it, such as Windows 7, 8 and If you are after a standard looking Classic Start menu then CWSM puts you at a slight disadvantage out of the box because it defaults to a rather colorful appearance. While this may not be a problem to some, others may find it distracting and would prefer the default Windows style, which you can change to in the settings.

CWSM for Windows Vista and 7 is a portable program and there is no setup installer, the Windows 8 version is a setup installer only. Right clicking on Start gives access to the configuration window which will allow editing of several visual settings, adding items to the main menu, starting the program with Windows, sorting items and where to show the classic appearance.

Consumes around 5MB of memory. Download Classic Windows Start Menu. There are freeware and shareware Pro versions although free should suffice for most users unless you want to use extra options like tabs or more virtual groups.

Make sure to select the free version during install. There are a few skins to slightly alter the overall look and you can also replace the standard Windows Start button with a few predefined ones like Windows 8.

Download Start Menu X. The added bonus is it can be used in home or commercial environments completely free so you can also use it on workstations. Classic Shell also has what is the closest and pretty much perfect classic style Start menu still found in Vista and below. Windows , , 7, 8, 8.

Classic Shell actually consists of a number of Windows enhancements and not just the Start menu, including tweaks to Windows Explorer and Internet Explorer. The first time Start is clicked on after install you will be asked which type of menu you want, simply choose Classic style. Optionally click the Skin tab in the same window and choose Classic skin from the dropdown menu to completely restore the old style look. Download Classic Shell.

Note: Although a number of other Start menu replacement tools claim to bring back the classic menu, most are relating to the standard Windows 7 style menu and not the old menu, which Microsoft themselves call the Classic Start menu.

I still prefer the default start menu in Win7, but this might help me out in the future when I get bored of it and looking for something new, thanks! I debated this with Steven Sinofsky windows team lead on email several times during the Win7 beta process but they refused to listen.

Already there were hundreds of posts across the web upset about the loss of classic menus in Win7 but they were ignoring them all. I doubt now that Win7 has launched they care any more than they did then. They class it as a success which it is in general and really could care less about those of use upset over loosing our preferred interfaces. Bringing it back through a third party utility has made a lot of people much happier.

I have used the Windows Classic Start Menu forever. Then I searched the internet only to find idiots blogging about how great W7menu is, how people should grow up, should move on, etc. Since I was not able to configure the menu the way I have always used it, I was disappointed with Microsoft,.. The user can simply customize the quick menu with the apps and folder they want. By just dragging and dropping the files and folder you can adjust the menu.

Other than customizing the menu, it is very easy to open the menu. The software can save time and effort for the user to open or launch any program.

Windows 7 or 8 style start menu is no more nostalgic for us. The ViStart makes a perfect alternative to move to the Windows 7 style. While using ViStart the menu becomes the exact same as that of Windows 8 or 7. Also, to add more pleasing looks to your views you can download skins that fit in well with your comfort.

The alternative is available for free and as an open-source platform. It is possible that you are unhappy or bored of the Start Menu available on your Windows. We have listed the best possible alternatives that can prove to be great substitutes without really touching the existing start menu.

Use any one of them and find out the one that can boost your performance and workflow. Our aforementioned list contains some of the best Start Menu replacement applications that are currently available in the market. So, this was all folks! Let us know your picks and share your feedback regarding this guide in the comments section below! Sign me up for the newsletter! Published Date : Mar 03, Category : Top 10 Windows. Table of Contents hide.

Classic Shell Free. Power8 Free. Start Menu Reviver Free. Handy Start Menu. Launchy Free.


Classic start menu windows 10 free

  Aug 01,  · The free Windows 10 upgrade offer was valid for all Windows 7, 8, and 8. The free upgrade offer has officially ended in mid, but no need to worry, you can still download Windows 10 ISO for free. That means no future updates for security and stability. Although Windows 10 is not a free operating system, you can get free Windows 10 legally. Results for "classic start menu for windows 10". Start Menu 8. Free to try. Bring back flexible customizing, grouping, and searching operations with familiar quick start, interface, and navigation. Start Menu Cleaner. Start Menu Taskbar Classic Start Menu. WindowFX. Classic Shell revisits designs from the Windows 9x family, Windows XP, and Windows Vista. The effects of this program are specifically visual. No modifications are made to the actual OS. Contextual elements on your Windows 7, 8, , and 10 are removed and replaced with old Windows versions. The listing and branching of folders and programs.    

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